I had promised a friend to let her use my embroidery machine at my house and since I had to stay home waiting for the plumbing and heating guys, it was a perfect day for it yesterday. She got here about 15 minutes ahead of the guys. Her embroidery machine is about 18 years old and it isn't easy to do lettering with it. The guys bled the air out of the line and then discovered that the bleeder was leaking. That meant draining the boiler and the whole line, replacing the bleeder, filling the boiler and the line with water and then opening every bleeder in the whole house. This meant moving furniture.....in every room......again.....third time in 14 months. They were finally done at 1 p.m.
Meanwhile mid morning my friend had to leave and pick up grandchildren and babysit for 4 hours so she came back in the middle of the afternoon to finish the names on the sweatshirt. By evening I wasn't ready to dive into a big project so I finished 3 bottle/can cozies that I found partially made in a pile I was cleaning up in the basement earlier while the guys were here. (Click on tutorials on right side bar and cozy tutorial is the second one). Today I have to get serious about some edge finishes on the 2 wonky quilts.