Sorting strips

I decided to pull green and blue strips from the box of Kaffe fabrics for another Random Plank quilt.  I have 86 strips which according to my directions to figure the size would make a quilt 64" x 113".  Since that is way too long for the width I'll eliminate half the length of several of the fabrics.  I like random lengths so some will be left full length, some will be cut in half, and some will be cut into thirds.
Here are both groups that will make the quilts.  I have 72 strips in the warm colors.  I have cut a polka dot square spacer to use between those strips so I may eliminate some partial strips from that group too so it won't end up too long.
I have double vision right now from the surgical procedure.  They have to stretch the muscles holding the eye in place to turn the eye to implant the radioactive seeding (and will be doing it all over again on Tues to remove the seeding) and it takes awhile for the muscles to recover.  According to reliable sources on the internet that could take up to a few months for the worse case scenario.  I am praying that mine will recover sooner.  Since my eye is covered with the lead patch right now it won't be a problem until next week.