More triangles, rooting plants....

The reunion was great and I think Dad enjoyed seeing his cousin who is 94 and comes every year from California.  In fact she is the one who reserves the forest preserve building every year by calling on Jan. 2 to be sure she gets it.  Last night I sewed some more triangle squares using kid prints.  I will be making some doll quilts and I'll link to the blog where they are going when I get the quilts finished.
Here are some of the Coleus slips that I am rooting.  I think they are ready to plant or move to larger containers if I leave them in water all winter.
If someone within driving distance of Sandwich IL would like some blue jean parts to make a quilt with, I need to get rid of all of this.  I am making one more quilt with the jeans but I have all the pieces I need already cut.  These are all the softer jeans, easier to work with.  I threw away all of the heavy stiff pieces.  The pile on the right has some really neat pockets in it.  My email link is on the right side bar or leave a comment if you are interested in them.
Here is the recipe for the frosted creams.  I never bake it longer than 30 min.  If you want to make it come out thicker in a smaller pan you might need the extra minutes.