A's and B's, wall to paint..........

It rained a lot yesterday and was so humid that I didn't paint.  I made some more blocks instead, 2 A blocks and 2 B blocks.  If you are making this quilt and aren't following Sujata's wonderful directions, you are missing a lot.  She has the pressing and the flipping every other block in a row all figured out for you.  It is a dream to sew together (see yesterday's post for my hand dyed version sewn together) with the seams in opposing directions at every intersection.
After doing some more cutting I chose 6 more pairs to sew.  Actually I got these all sewn plus 3 more pairs last night after I took this photo.
This is the easiest wall in the living room to paint and I will do it today.  I taped the ceiling line last night.  My Spackle was all dried up (from 6 years ago) so I have to go get some this morning.  I have 6 nail holes to fill, one outlet cover take off and the thermostat cover to remove.  When I finish it I will have 3 adjoining walls painted and I can move the furniture back.  The other 3 walls will get done later in the week when it cools off.
This is a little more accurate for the lightest color.  I took this photo in daylight but a cloudy day.  It isn't quite as grayed as the color card so I'm wondering if the new paint will be slightly different.  I guess I'll know soon.