Painting progress and 32 blocks...............

This is the darker of the 2 quarts of paint and therefore is my accent wall.  The room is a big L shape so this wall is in the dining area.  It is a smoky purple and this is a little bluer than it really looks.  It looks like charcoal gray with a purple tint at night.
This is the lighter color and the photo was taken at night.  You can see how the lamp on the left has affected the wall color.  It is almost impossible to show you what it really looks like.  Again it is not as blue as it looks here.  I looked at a smoky blue purple but thought it would only look like gray at night and went with the red purple instead.  It is a little more purple than I want so something halfway between would have probably pleased me more.  With that said, I think I'm going to go ahead with this color for the rest of the room while the paint is on sale.
I finished 12 more blocks 2 nights ago but didn't press them until last night.  I'm sure I'll do some rearranging as I add blocks.  I cut more triangles last night but haven't paired them yet.  I need to decide today whether I will put my bookcase back where it was (left of doorway in top photo) or move it to the other side and hang this large wallhanging (first photo) on the left side.  I can see I need to get a better photo of it now that I have a better camera.  That photo was taken 5 years ago.