Monitor check......

Several people yesterday commented how they liked the red fabrics I showed.  Actually there isn't a red in the bunch.  I put the red/pink group from 2 days ago and a gray strip of fabric hoping the camera could pick up the true colors on the group on the right, rust, gold, fuchsia, purple and a few touches of green.  It still looks a little red in the photo but in real life it is rust and almost brown.  I guess you'll just have to take my word for it.  I know computer monitors aren't all alike and some will emphasize colors.  My really old laptop in the basement reads the colors pretty true as it is not as bright as the new computers.
I sewed the last 2 borders on the twin quilts.  I think they really needed a border to contain all of the shapes.
Here is the other one.  They won't get quilted right away because I have about 7 that need to be quilted first.  I had hand basted 2 several months ago and they are laying on my guest bed.  I don't like to fold them after they have been basted because the layer on the inside of the fold gets a big ridge in it and layers shift.  Since I don't have anywhere else to put them if I need the guest bed for a guest, they need to be quilted.  I also have a potential sale on another piece and need to finish it right away.