Basting with a friend.......

This is the quilt I helped my friend Rosemary baste yesterday morning.  It is for her daughter and was a collaborative project for them.  When we finished at 11:30 we decided to go out for dessert.  No, we didn't eat lunch, we just got strawberry pie with ice cream.  We're both senior citizens and need to follow the 'dessert first' policy.  I came home and had a sandwich.
This is a patch of lawn out near the street.  I just had to take a photo of the blooming weeds with the dead grass.  You can see the rain has produced a few new patches of green grass.  I'm hoping we get all of the rain they are predicting for Wed. night - Thurs. so maybe we can have all green lawns again.

For everyone that asked what a modular quilt is, I have a label list on my right side bar and I label every post.  On there is a label: modular quilt tutorial.  Also if you have a word you want to search on my blog, there is a search box in the top left corner of the blog.  Type in a word and every post that has that word will pop up.

For all that asked yesterday here is the selvage of the tree word fabric.  Remember please, if you don't have an email link, I can't respond to your questions.  I have an email link on my right sidebar that you can use to contact me if you are a because you haven't enabled your email address in your Blogger account.