Backings chosen, squares sewn...........

This is one of the quilt tops that came off a hanger while Julie was here.  I started looking for a border fabric but I really couldn't find anything that has the same flavor so it will be borderless.  It is about 78" x 96" so it is pretty good size already.  I found the piece of fabric on the left in my backings box and I think it looks good with it.  I bought it for $4 a yard on the sale rack and I will have almost 2 yards left over to go into my regular stash.
This one is just a wallhanging size. I have had this backing fabric in my stash for about 20 years.
I made this Bento Box quilt top when I was teaching the class to show them how it looked being made with narrower strips.  I have enough of this backing fabric to do borders and binding although I will probably come back with red or blue for the binding.
Yesterday was church sewing circle so I spent the morning cutting pillowcases to take at 1 p.m.  As long as I was 20 miles from home and in a larger town with some big stores I ran some errands and didn't get home until almost 5.  Last night to unwind I sewed squares for 18 blocks for my print zig zag (Streak of Lightning) quilt in progress.