It was already getting dark last night when I decided to go out and take some photos. The coreopsis are more yellow in daylight, almost orange at night. They are doing OK despite no rain.
The hostas on the other hand are really suffering. I bought a new hose and need to get it hooked up today and start watering. The rain missed us yesterday and no more in sight for the rest of this week.
I don't remember if I ever came up with a name for this plant. They grow about 3-4' tall and have a tall stalk of flowers. They are like weeds, coming up everywhere. They die back totally about mid August. They are tolerant of low moisture too so I'm happy for something that is looking good. It has been so hot since I got home that I haven't gotten out to start dealing with the weeds and grass that is going to seed. It sounds like we are getting a couple cooler days in the middle of the week.
I washed 30 yards of fabric for pillowcases for our church sewing circle yesterday and cut out 12 pillowcases for the ladies to sew. I did all of the pressing while they sewed. We wash the fabric before we make them so they won't twist like a lot of purchased pillowcases do.
Continuing the story I started yesterday about painting my living/dining room: It was last painted 17 years ago so it really needs it. I had the walls painted taupe and got taupe carpeting installed that year. The carpeting is now pink in some areas, has a green cast in other areas and is taupe in the rest, with the large rust stain from my baseboard heater that leaked. I decided to start with the painting and hopefully can tear out the carpet and put in bamboo flooring. The paint color I'm considering is a smoky or grayed lavender, mid tone, not pastel, not dark. I think the quilts on the walls would look good with it.