Class photos....

My grandson's girlfriend was in my class Saturday.  Here she is with her first exercise done with the fabrics, dividing the fabrics by color and surrounding the color wheel wedges.
At this point they are dividing the fabrics by value.  Notice the mosaic pieces for sale on the far wall.  There are some beautiful pieces there.  Some were in the show that preceded mine.
We took a 10 minute break at the half way point in the class so they could look at the show and ask questions about the pieces.
This is a good photo of the left wall too.

I know I have shown this wall before but I thought this photo was so good.  Some of the ladies who read my blog said the quilts are more beautiful in person.  I have always felt that way too.  You just can't capture all of the beauty with a camera.
The final exercise takes half of the class time and teaches blend.  Notice the student in the background looking through the red value seeker to check her values. Tina Alberni and my daughter, both partners in the gallery took all of the photos. They did a great job capturing the whole class with over 150 photos total.  This was great for me to be able to see myself in action too.
They brought pins to pin the pieces to a piece of fabric. They can substitute some fabrics of their own later if they want to make the blend smoother.
Everyone is making final decisions in this photo.  They all did a great job and I enjoyed having them in my class.