3 more rounds.....

I added 3+ full rounds to each of the quilt tops.  As the strips get longer it takes a lot of time and bobbins.
They are each about 30" x 39" now so they were too big to lay side by side like I did in yesterday's photo.  I have a long way to go to make them lap size.  I like the one in the top photo well enough to hang it on a wall so maybe I'll start another one to sew with the second one and stop that one right now.
I went out and cut down about 30 volunteer trees yesterday.  It was nice and cool.  We are in for a string of 90 degree days starting Friday.  Because the air and ground are so dry here, the storms split and miss us.  We really need rain and none is predicted for awhile.

For those of you who comment as Anonymous, please don't ask me questions when I can't answer you.  I have a link to email on my right side bar.  If you have a Google account you need to enable your email address so I have a link to get back to you or you won't get an answer.  I'm not the only blogger who has mentioned this.  A lot of us like to reply to all (or most) of our comments.  I know some people never reply to the commenters.  There are no rules or etiquette, just personal preference how we handle this.