Here are all 24 of the final shipment of mug rugs to NC. I was in such a hurry to get them boxed up that I forgot to take a photo of just the last 3 rainbow pieces. I ended up with 9 of African fabric, 5 of Kaffe fabric, 7 rainbows.
I cropped out the bottom corner so I could show the 2 diagonal striped rainbows better. The one on the bottom right is my favorite. I will have a mug with Rainbow River printed on it sitting on that one as a display at the show. Some people will be seeing mug rugs for the first time and need to see how they are used. I ordered mugs with a variety of quilts printed on them as well as note cards and postcards. I had them shipped straight to NC so I haven't seen them yet but my daughter says they look great.
An update on my Intuitive Color classes in NC: Saturday's class is filled with a waiting list but there are still openings for Monday and Thursday.
I'm repeating this link to the promotion for the show for anyone who might have missed it on Sunday. I was happy they used Rainbow River for it because it really says Exuberant Color well.