I finished the binding and hanging sleeve and label yesterday on Crooked Cobblestones 4 - Cross. I took 26 photos, kept running to the computer to see if I had a good straight one. Even this one isn't perfectly straight but it is the best photo so far. I started out with daylight coming in the picture window and ended up with the flash for the last 2. It is hard to get the camera at the right height so that neither the top nor the bottom look narrower than the other. I will keep trying today. While I was spending so much time at the computer I decided to back up the photos from the last 2 months onto my separate hard drive. It is getting full so I spent more time deleting unnecessary photos from it, about 3 hours all together. While I was going through photos from 2009 I noticed that the Redbud trees were blooming the last few days of April into the first week of May that year.
There are violets all over in the yard and the back garden. These have pretty short stems so they aren't much good for a little bouquet but the later ones will have longer stems.