Even though we had some rain, it didn't knock off any petals on the Redbud trees. This is one of the small trees along my driveway, at eye level.
This is what the older trees look like. They are rather fragile and lose a lot of branches over the winter and in summer storms. I have 7 trees across my backyard, mostly older trees and one about 10 years old. They have all planted themselves. On the left are my forsythia bush in the foreground and lilac bushes farther down. That is my neighbor's forsythia still in bloom way down the line. The garden is pretty bare right now but there are lots of hostas coming up, peonies, brunnera, lungwart and the usual weeds that survive no matter what.
Yesterday was errand day, laundry day, the usual stuff. I did quilt some mug rugs but haven't put on the binding yet so I'll show them later.