Nature and mug rugs.......

Redbuds in the morning.  I spent an hour outside picking up more fallen branches.  So many of them are broken into small pieces so it has been a big job.
Redbuds in the afternoon.  A lot of sunshine and some rain and they are starting to bloom.  The wind was blowing so the photo is a little blurry.
Remember the tiny tips of the peonies I showed a few days ago?  This plant is a foot tall.  There are others not quite as far along.  We had a rainstorm yesterday afternoon and more rain at night so I expect them all to be shooting up today.
Inside the house, one red blossom ready to open, 6 more buds on the red plant and 3 getting bigger every day on the white one.  
After I got home from computer club last night I finished 2 mug rugs.  I had quilted them before I left and put the binding on after the meeting.  The only other thing I did yesterday was to vacuum the basement and start clearing my clutter off the tables (a couple hours) to prepare for Monday (art quilters). Luckily it is going to cool off on Sunday for my baking day. The cool off is still 10+ degrees above the average for this time of the year so no complaints here.