We finally got some snow......

We normally have had 14" of snow by this time in the winter.  We have only had bare covering twice before this storm this year.  I shoveled 4" off the sidewalk and porch at 5 p.m. and there was another 2" on the porch when I took this photo.  It was still snowing at 11 p.m. but the 10 o'clock weather radar showed it would end soon.
I always leave the sedum flower heads so I have a snow mushroom patch.
I left one hydrangea bloom in the front flower bed too.
Sorry for the lack of color today.  I have been cleaning up the basement in anticipation of my art quilters coming on Monday.  Since I'm working at the $3 a yard sale at Quilter's Heart today and tomorrow, I decided I had better start sorting out the clutter and clean off the tables yesterday.