A sewing day...

The after effects of the headache were gone by noon so I decided I should sew.  I got all of the setting triangles cut and 8 rows sewn on this one.  It is pretty boring sewing a diagonal layout but easy to keep track of which row you are on when sewing 2 rows at a time.  I have decided to add the 9 patch border. I will have to figure out what size to cut the squares after I get this all sewn and trim the oversized section of setting triangles.  I would rather cut the setting triangles too big and trim afterwards than have them barely fitting.

I switched over to sewing the blocks together into a top on this one when I got tired of diagonal rows.

Today a grade school friend from Ohio is going to meet my other childhood friend and I for lunch.  We have set up the date a couple times and it didn't work out but this time it's going to happen.  I haven't seen her since 7th grade so it's pretty exciting.