
Those white streaks are snow flurries.  It was coming down fast and furious with huge flakes for a short time.  It didn't stick but now we can't deny that winter is coming.  Luckily it is going to warm up again for a couple days.

I'm still working on this quilt, 4 more rows sewn last night.  The last 4 rows to sew are short ones so they will go fast and I can get the whole thing sewn together and trimmed.  Then I need to figure out what size to make the 9 patch blocks so they will fit. 
My neighbors put their pumpkin out for the squirrels to enjoy.
I worked at Quilter's Heart yesterday morning and will be there again this morning.  She has decided Dec. 3 is the last day for the shop and after that the rest will be sold on ebay at regular price.  If you live nearby you might want to get in on the 40% off while you can.  There are still bolts full enough for backings and at a great price.