Some play time.......

Here are 2 fabrics that I was thinking about using in the equilateral triangle quilt.  I think I'll cut one batch of each and see how they look.

In between many other things I did yesterday I sewed the borders on 8 more diamonds.

Here are all of the diamonds so far.  I am going to add mostly reds and purples after I sew the last 6 that are hanging at the bottom of the design wall.

This Phillip Jacobs fabric is one of the purples that I will add to the diamond quilt.  This is 1 yard of fabric so you can see the flowers are large.

I mowed my back yard last night.  It hadn't been mowed since my dad went to the hospital on Aug. 11.  Luckily it is shade grass which isn't as thick as regular grass.  I wore my tennis shoes this time.  Last time I mowed I wore sandals and my hip hurt for 5 days afterwards.

Dad seems to be adjusting to his new home.  Assisted living was what he has needed for awhile and we were pushed into finally making the decision with the hospital and then nursing home stay.  I hope he will be able to go to the family reunion at the beginning of October.