Cool air, rain.......

I really thought I would make it to the sewing machine but it ended up being a gardening day.  We got 4" of rain between midnight and 6 a.m. yesterday morning.  It was a perfect time for digging up and splitting hostas with a friend.  She helped me dig out some volunteer trees too.  I pulled weeds while they were easy to pull from the wet soil and transplanted a few hostas to new locations. 
I also got batteries for my battery powered lawnmower and took them to my son for him to wire them and fit them in the case that fits into the mower.  My dad gave me this mower when they moved 8 years ago and I used it for several years until the batteries wouldn't hold a charge any more.  I decided it is time to use it again.
I did get one block cut out but haven't decided what the center will be so I didn't get it sewn. 
It went down to 52 degrees last night (Thurs.) compared to the 98 high on Wed. afternoon.  Our 3 days in the high 90s is unusual for this early in the summer and I hope it isn't an indication of what our summer will be like.