Nothing new.........

I sewed a few more rows of the zig zag quilt but I didn't get it to the photo stage.

I arranged these little blocks (3") into a pleasing arrangement for a centerpiece/hot mat but didn't sew them yet.  I think the weather was making me tired.  We were in the 40s on Friday and 83 degrees yesterday.  Too much barometric pressure change.

Someone at Comcast cancelled my appt. (without calling to tell me) so now they are coming Tues.  An automated call came yesterday for me to confirm the appt. and when the live person came on and verified my address she said "Oh the appt. has been cancelled, did they call you?".  Evidently they were watching my modem and saw that it came back on after 7 hours and cancelled.  This lady said I definitely need an updated modem though.