Moving things around.....

While cleaning off the top of my sewing cabinet, I decided to sew some of the really skinny pieces together.  I got up with a headache yesterday so this was all I accomplished other than moving things from one place to another.

This will give you a little perspective on how narrow some of the strips were.  Some finished at less than a quarter inch.

My son came over and replaced one of my 8 ft. fluorescent bulbs in my studio.  I just can't get up there and do them any more.  It makes me feel like a wimp, but I'm more concerned with my safety.  With age comes wisdom.

This is the drawer in my sewing cabinet.  I moved a bunch of bobbins here from the drawer unit that was by my old cabinet.  Now I can wind about a dozen bobbins with neutral color thread.  I am moving all of my studio furniture around for a different arrangement for the summer.  Luckily it is all on wheels except the 3 tall bookcases which aren't going to be moved anyway.

I hope I get a great idea for a journal quilt today, because if I don't that will be 2 weeks I missed.  The momentum will be lost so I need to be creative today.........