More students' work..........

B's quilt will be queen size and is made of Christmas fabrics.

D is making a king size and had one strata cut for us to see her colors.  I love stripes in the Trip Around the World quilts and the Philip Jacob large floral (blue) really adds a lot to it.

J is making a large lap size with the same fabric combination that one student used in the first class.  J chose a different group of fabrics for her center though.

L is making a queen size for a granddaughter.  She has a combination of batiks and regular fabrics and they all came from her stash.

P was sick and didn't make it to the second session of the Friday class so she came into this one to work on her quilt.  She has several groups of strips sewn together.

This closer shot shows off the fabrics a little better.  She is doing a great job matching all of her intersections.

I will work on my batik one today and try to get the top all sewn together.