I was grounded for 2 days..............

First let me show you what I got done and then I'll tell you the story about my post title.

This is the final layout for the log cabin blocks.  I will fill in with a medium or dark batik at the edges so it will simulate a border.
I made 3 more blocks for this ongoing project.  They are the beige and soft rust ones.  I wasn't sure if they would look good with the rest but I like them in there.  They are restful in the background while others show their colors.

Here are the first 20 fabrics of the 72 that I am cutting for the Winding Ways quilt.  I am cutting 2 squares of each fabric so that will make 4 blocks for each pair of fabrics.  I went on the hunt for pictures of Winding Way quilts on Flickr and found one done scrappy within each block.  Now I think I will just pair them as shown for the first 2 blocks and use the second set of pieces for a scrappy version.  I got 8 more cut after I took this picture.  I'll have more pictures of my cutting tomorrow.

Now for my story:  First I need to tell you that my cell phone is with a carrier that is updating its towers to 4G and for the last 3 weeks I have had roaming or no bars most of the time, with one bar part of the time so I couldn't leave home and depend on a call getting through. 

So on with the story.  I called Lifeline last Fri. for my dad and was told someone would call within 1-2 business days with the installation time.  Somehow that meant to me that he would probably have it installed by late Tuesday.  Wrong!  First of all I had to stay home (grounded) to wait for the call all day Monday.  No call.  By 1:30 yesterday (Tues) I was convinced they might not have my correct phone # so I called them.  The lady said she would check, came back on and said an installer would be calling me shortly.  By 4:30 I still hadn't heard and I was afraid their office would close at 5 so I called back.  Each person I talked to said "stay on the line" and I'll check.  Each time it kicked me back to the "Welcome to Life......" and a different agent answered.  By the time the 5th one answered I was becoming unglued (and that's not a pretty sight!) and I was trying hard not to cry as I told the story for the 5th time.  That last nice guy found out my dad's installer wasn't answering her phone and he lined up another one who called me at 8:30 last night and said she will be there between 9 and 1 today.  Whew!!!

So now you can see how much I can get done if I'm grounded.