Humidity dropping..........Yay!!!

I started the hand stitching on the binding while I caught up on "Lie to Me" on my computer.  I forgot to watch it Monday night.  The binding fabric looks great with the backing fabric too.

I made 6 more blocks and then added one more round to all of the blocks that I made previously.  They will now finish at 9".  I have no idea what layout I will do because I want to make at least 48 more blocks before I decide.  I don't think it will be a traditional log cabin layout.  These are all batik fabrics.

I finished mowing the 2 side yards yesterday morning before it got too hot.  I finally convinced the leaders at the place my Dad lives that his air conditioner was not working when the temperature and humidity went up.  They kept checking in the morning (when it was working so-so) but by afternoon and evening his apt. was 82 degrees and humid.  They replaced his unit with one from an empty apt. and when I picked him up for his dr. appt. his apartment was cool.  His attitude had improved dramatically too.  I hate to have to be the bad guy and demand something is done, but Dad can't do it for himself.

Last night the humidity started dropping and it cooled off enough to open windows for sleeping.  It's supposed to get up to 90 again today though and close to 100 by a week from now.