I got 2 out of the 3 blocks pieced yesterday. I wasn't sure which light fabric I was going to use until I spotted this one in the pastels box.
I helped my youngest granddaughter make curtains for her closet out of twin size sheets (zebra pattern) yesterday morning. In the afternoon my neighbors who are moving put things in my garage for their garage sale which will be in my garage and driveway on June 24 & 25. They have to be out of their house by Wednesday when they close on the property. I mowed part of my yard with my non-motorized mower. It has been hard to find a dry spell to mow and there is more rain in the forecast.
I helped my youngest granddaughter make curtains for her closet out of twin size sheets (zebra pattern) yesterday morning. In the afternoon my neighbors who are moving put things in my garage for their garage sale which will be in my garage and driveway on June 24 & 25. They have to be out of their house by Wednesday when they close on the property. I mowed part of my yard with my non-motorized mower. It has been hard to find a dry spell to mow and there is more rain in the forecast.