Stroll through the garden with me...........

The balloon flowers have changed location.  I had read that they don't like to be transplanted, but they sure like to plant themselves all over the place; self seeding I guess.

There are a bunch of them right at the edge of the sidewalk, in front of the coral bells.  The red penstemon planted itself there too.  It is a huge plant and I will transplant it to the back yard.  I usually only get a year or 2 out of them after I move them.

My flower beds are jungles this year.  I don't need to mulch because everything is jam packed in next to something else.  This flower bed is 6 years old and really needs to be thinned.  The tiger lilies are tall but haven't bloomed yet.  There a couple little maple trees in there too.

A friend gave me a butterfly weed plant a couple years ago.  It is really tall and ready to bloom.

I don't know where the milkweed plant came from.  It just appeared last year.  I was expecting pods but this is what it has on it.  My neighbor has one in her front garden too and she didn't plant hers either.

The porch pots love all of the rain we have had.  I found a couple hostas in pots next to the house.  I planted them last year and never found anyone to give them to.
It has been a tough week with Dad.  He had his blood test and Dr. appt. as usual and then he needed to see his regular dr. for some sores that weren't healing.  The good news is the sores aren't deep and he now has a home health nurse coming in to help him.  We did the preliminary set up yesterday morning.  Then Dad fell in the shower in the afternoon.  He seemed more confused last night than he has been.  We just take it one day at a time.  He is a happy good natured guy which makes it easier for me.