Blocks sewn, flowers blooming...........

The blocks are all sewn, a few moved to a new location.  Now it is time to get it off my design walls because I need to get to the space behind them.

I take an old calendar and cut off the numbers that I need for 14 stacks of blocks.

I remove each row from top to bottom, keeping the top piece on top and pin numbers on the stacks.

I usually just remove the rows as I am sewing, 1 & 2 to start, then 3 to add to them, then 4 to add to 1,2,& 3, etc.  This time I needed the whole quilt off the wall so I did it this way.

The third bud stalk on this bulb is finally opening.  One flower open, another soon, and 2 more buds a little later.  The first 2 stalks on this bulb had 5 flowers each but this one only has 4.

AND look what else is blooming, my Christmas cactus.  It bloomed for almost the whole month of Dec. and I have about 7 buds on it now.  I think it likes my east picture window!