Petting fabric

My headache finally went away and I had errands to run in the morning and lunch with a friend I have known for 51 years. We sat and talked for hours after lunch and a couple hours later it was time to take a meal to Dad's apartment. I didn't feel like finishing the quilting on the plaid NY Beauty so I went to my Kaffe stash boxes and pulled out all of the Kaffe stripes that I have collected in the last 12-13 years. I made that block the same year that I bought the first stripes and never made any more of them.Then Jackie posted a quilt she was going to make and the inspiration from some Kaffe books. I was hooked. I know this project(s) will slip in between some finishes very soon. Check out the inspiration post and the progress post. Aren't the blocks spectacular? I have another one in another of Kaffe's books that I want to make too so I will cut for 2 or 3 projects all at the same time.