A terrific birthday thanks to my readers

How can I begin to thank all of you for your good wishes? That was like getting 60 birthday cards. Wonderful!

I didn't stick with the cleaning for very long. It seemed like a good plan but it didn't happen. First I had to assemble the vacuum cleaner. Remember when everything used to come fully assembled? Once I had it together I vacuumed 3 rooms and it works great, but with my short attention span, I was ready to do something else. I read for awhile, did some grocery shopping, worked on my Kaffe fabric index cards, played on the computer. All in all it was a very relaxing day.

I only did one tiny bit of sewing. I had this little paper pieced cat from years ago and I wanted to try a cover for a tiny notebook. I got this far and then decided to watch some missed TV shows on my computer and the next thing I knew it was bedtime.

Now back to reality on day one of the next year.