Not much progress

I didn't get much accomplished at all yesterday. Maybe it is because I just did a little of a lot of things, like cleaning off the top of the dresser in my bedroom, pulling all of the plants that grow in the cracks of the sidewalk to be prepared for shoveling snow this winter, moving the furniture in my studio so I can reach one of the 8 ft. fluorescent bulbs that is flickering and dying. I did pair up a lot of yummy fabrics and got 8 more blocks sewn.Today I will shop for the last few things I need for Thanksgiving dinner, sort and remove the piles from the dining room table and kitchen table, and hopefully press some more fabrics and get the rest of my blocks cut out. I hope I can finish this top and quilt it on Friday or Saturday. After a family gathering the house will be clean, there will be plenty of leftovers, and my time should be my own for a couple days. At least I hope so.