Log cabin centers

I started cutting the center squares for the Kaffe log cabin quilt. Mine will be similar to the one in the book but I don't have all of the same fabrics and I'm not going to hunt them down. I did get the same one Liza used for centers in the book though because nothing else I had was going to give the same effect.I laid the piece that was left over on the floor after cutting the 4.5" squares. After I took this picture I cut 3" squares out of the remaining flowers. This was a half yard piece and now I have to cut into a 1 yard piece to get the rest of the centers.
Here is a link to the quilt book that I showed previously. Just scroll down past the purple and yellow quilts.
I was glad to hear from some of you other nappers after yesterday's post. I probably should have added (for the people who can't fall asleep in the daytime) that I never lay down on a bed. I always nap in a recliner. I think that lets my body clock know that it is a nap and wakes me after 40 min. I also got to thinking that I started taking naps after I began having migraines at age 32. I don't know that I ever would have done it otherwise.
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