More red

Last night to unwind in the evening I sewed some of the pink/coral/red strip sets. I laid the green ones next to them. Doesn't that look like an azalea bush? Or maybe one of the coral rose bushes?I also finished the binding on this quilt at 10 p.m. I hope to get a good picture of it tomorrow. This is the truest color of all of the pictures of it that I have shown of it. Maybe the purples are a little darker than the picture.
Yesterday started with a different kind of red. My 95 year old dad called and said he had a nosebleed that wouldn't stop. I had just gotten out of the shower, I'm standing there with dripping hair and a towel wrapped around me. I told him he would have to pull the emergency chain in the bathroom so the nurse next door at the nursing home would come over. I started drying myself off and getting dressed and they called me to see if I wanted to drive him to the emergency room or should they call an ambulance. It was 40 degrees outside and I had wet hair and wasn't fully dressed yet so I had them call an ambulance. I got to the hospital right after they got him into a cubicle. They stopped the nosebleed, gave my dad some advice (keep your fingers out of your nose) and sent us on our way almost 2 hours later. Now we have to see the nose specialist again, just like last Nov., and he will probably get cauterized again. I had to take Dad for his blood draw (for thyroid) and a flu shot just before lunch too. I got him some McDonald's lunch which he likes and dropped him off at his apt. I had a whopper of a headache between the weather change (rain) and stress so I came home and ate lunch and took a nap. Now you can see why I started this post with "last night to unwind"........................
Today I have to work at the sewing machine store again. It is just a 5 hour work day on Saturdays.