Strips cut and sorted

I cut all of my green fabrics for the next Strips that Sizzle and sorted both colors into sets ready to sew. There were 3 new shows on TV to watch so I got a lot done.I sewed the Disappearing 9 Patch blocks into a 44" square to hang at the store to advertise the class next month.
My fall garden is pretty weedy but very colorful too. The purple asters come up as volunteers all through the garden and I pulled out at least a dozen throughout the summer. The volunteers are sometimes a different color so I have 3 colors this year. The sedum is really pretty right now too. I am glad I took a zillion pictures of the butterflies on them last year because this year I have only seen one butterfly near them.
This plant is another volunteer. I may have dug it out of the other garden last year and planted it here but I don't remember. It is as big as a bush and very colorful. You can see the neighbor's burning bush starting to turn in the background. Mine are still green.
This is the sedum in one of the little flower beds. It is such a brilliant color this year.
We had a little rain yesterday but the ground is still hard to dig in. We have had very little rain for over 3 weeks so I'm hoping we get more tomorrow like they are predicting.