Saturated color

This one is bright in real life, but not neon..........
like it looks here. I need to take this one outside to natural light. I posted this one before here and when I checked back it was just as neon in the first pictures. Maybe it is my new monitor that is too bright. Anyway I finally chose which border I wanted to use and got it sewn today. I guess I will designate Mondays as border days since I have at least 5 tops waiting for their borders.

Here is the inspiration quit and cutting directions

from this book.
You might remember this piece that was made from the leftovers. The colors are truer in this photo.
Yesterday started out a little less humid with a nice breeze but by evening we were right back up to 75% humidity. I didn't want to turn on the A/C at that point so I suffered through it. I did another side of the binding on the queen size quilt because I could stay cool sitting very still under my ceiling fan.
Today I have a finishing class with 5 students so I spent some time preparing samples to demonstrate on yesterday afternoon.
I am fortunate that most of the migraines only last one day instead of 3 like they did when I was younger. However the day after the pain I am exhausted.