Setting trianges, how many colors?

I thought I was going to use a single color................
for the setting triangles but no matter what I auditioned, it just wasn't right. Then I went back to the Kaffe book to see the inspiration quilt and it has multicolor so that is what I went with too.
I have 7 fabrics that I cut one strip each from and then cut the triangles. It worked out to be an exact repeat and I didn't even plan that. I think the corners are going to be a lavender. In the upper left of the picture below are the 9 rows that are sewn together. I think mine looks more like argyle than a beaded curtain so that will be in its name somehow.
A couple people mentioned in the comments yesterday that their hostas bloomed earlier than mine. I have about 8 varieties that bloomed earlier and the flower stalks are all dried up already. I have 2 late bloomers. One is this one that I call elephant ear.
They are sweet smelling lily style flowers. They are at least 6" long and are just starting to open.
The other is this pointy leaf variety which I showed yesterday. These flowers are probably about 2" or a little bigger.
You can see there will be a huge cluster of them when they all open.
I bought one new coneflower this year. It is called tomato soup. This one is just starting to open and will be a little deeper red.

I took the nature shots at dusk so the backgrounds are all dark. It is fun to take pictures at different times of the day to see how the color is affected by the available light.