A good time was had by all.............
It was really good to see my friends yesterday. We all used to work at the same quilt shop and we have tried to stay in touch over the years. We always get pizza and then everyone brings something else. We had a great lunch!

I was showing them the Christmas Strips and Curves that I have started to cut. I need to save the rest of the strata to demonstrate at tomorrow's class with the other 4 students.
I have been looking through my huge stash for soft dusty colors that will go with the beige blocks and I have found three dusty roses (2 with beige in the print), three lavenders and three greens. I think they will keep the quilt soft looking but add a little interest.
I will keep looking for more fabrics in my stash while I am piecing the rest of the beige blocks that are already cut. I may add a few new beiges into the 9 patches with the new colors. I'm looking forward to working on it now.