Update on nature and students' work..........
I planted a couple zinnias in this little round flower bed. The coneflowers are getting ready to bloom too. I had white ones in this bed but some have reverted back to pink.
There were just 2 in the class yesterday but several from the Tuesday class stopped by to see how they were doing. Here is the top ready for borders that one student made.
This second one is more of a denim blue. They made good progress today and I am proud of them.
The second day of a garage sale is usually slow so I am glad I only needed to be open for 2 hours. A lot of stuff left the garage even though a few of the things were free things. Getting rid of the stuff is the main goal. If I got paid for some of it that was a bonus. Today I'll sort through what is left and figure out what gets donated where and what I can just pitch. I got enough tables down to get my van in the garage before it started raining last night.