Teeny, teeny, tiny!
I made photocopies of some tiny blocks that were in one of the Kaffe Fassett books. I think it was in Glorious Color. I have had that pile of them laying on a shelf for a long time and tonight I didn't have the energy to start anything else so I sewed one. I pulled out my batik scraps that I consider too small to sew together and there were a few in there big enough to piece this one block. I don't see too many of these blocks in my future. Of course I could allow myself to use some of my larger scraps instead of hunting through those little bitty pieces of fabric.

Last night the security light came on while I was standing by the window so I looked out to see who had tripped it. I couldn't believe my eyes. There was a huge raccoon. He walked over to where I had dug the hosta the other day and started digging. That angered me so I cranked open a window and slammed it shut and scared him off. It is bad enough the squirrels want to dig out there. I certainly don't need a raccoon digging too.

A new reader to my blog yesterday asked if I am ever surrounded by all of my fabric and don't know what to start or finish. Yes, that happens to me too when I am tired or when the studio is too clean. Otherwise with my piles of inspiration laying around I just pick up something that is in progress and as I work I start dreaming of the new projects I want to make.