The hum of the machine........
is so soothing and relaxing. I needed some unwind time last night so I worked on the last 2 pieced borders. I wanted them to be a little lighter because it was beginning to look too dark to me.
I auditioned a dark purple print for the final border. I had to lighten the picture for the print to show up. The colors above are more true.
A couple weeks ago Wendy asked if anyone had a certain piece of fabric that they would part with, one that was about 7 years old. She said she would trade some fabric for it. I had a piece of it and even though I loved the print I figured I was never going to use it. I told her I would like selvages in trade for it. Here is what she sent me. She had a lot of fabrics that I didn't so they really add to my collection. PLUS she let me keep the selvage off the piece I sent to her!

Pink columbine in late afternoon.
My only cousin on my mother's side of the family took a vacation day and drove up from the Springfield, IL area to visit my dad today. He was so happy he had visited my parents in April when he came through this area the last time.