Unpacking and putting quilts away

The program at the quilt guild last night went very well. A couple old friends from the years I worked in Batavia drove 30 miles to hear me speak. It was so good to see them again. The meeting was very well attended with several of the guests joining the guild before the evening was over. It takes 2 days to pull all of the quilts and pack them for a program and now I need to put them all away. It is good for them to be aired out now and then.

While I was cleaning the basement over the weekend, these fabrics all found their way into the same pile. It's a happy pile but I don't know what I'm going to make yet.

I'm off to get my hair cut this morning. Today's fun: I need to finish the last 2 blocks for my basket quilt and then I can pick the setting triangle fabric. Life is good.