Spring really is here!!
The redbuds were barely showing any pink 4 days ago and now they are starting to bloom. It will be a few days before they are all the way open.
The rose breasted grosbeaks are here again this year. This guy just wouldn't turn around for a photo. He was facing the window until I got the camera in my hand. They are about a week earlier than last year.
I spent part of the day yesterday cutting kits. The store owner is giving a class on this purse that I made a sample of last year. A couple of the students wanted kits exactly like it so I did my best and only had to substitute two fabrics.

I was cutting another kit in brighter colors too.
The strips won't necessarily be in this order. This is just the order that I cut them.
I have to make a decision on the basket quilt. If I decide to sell the quilt or give it as a gift I know I will use the blue for the setting triangles. However if I decide I am going to keep it, then it will be the rosy fabric. I just have to decide if I want to make another even more beautiful one for myself instead of keeping this one.