This is the cobblestone quilt project I have been working with a self imposed deadline of Easter. While I was making it two hymns repeated themselves over and over in my head, "Low in the Grave He Lay (He Arose!)" and "The Old Rugged Cross". I had a vision of what it should look like and it didn't come out like I expected. I might have to make a second one to more true to the vision. I had some technical problems with this after I got it sewn together so I will be doing some un-sewing this week. Even though every vertical row seemed to be straight while it was on the design wall, it is curving to the left which means the right side is longer. I may be able to correct it by taking off one or two rows and straightening them.

For a change we are going to have a fairly warm day on Easter even though it started out below freezing. I got some of the leaves raked off the flower beds yesterday and was happy to see some of the early perennials peeking out.