16.67 yards later........
I started cutting 2.5" strips from my batiks yesterday. If you have not seen my batik stash, go the the Labels list on the right side of my blog and click on Stash. Keep scrolling down until you have seen all of the shelves of batiks. I started collecting them in 1991 so this is an 18 year collection. I made it through the purples and the turquoise/blue shelf so far. I have one more pile not pictured that is missing a couple of the fabrics. So far I have 48 pieces in each stack shown. Obviously I am only cutting off of the fabrics that I am willing to part with. Some of them still fall into that "too precious to cut" category.
I take each piece to the ironing board and press out the creases and then stack and cut 4 fabrics at a time. Then I had to restack the fabric back on the shelves. I was really wiped out by 10 p.m. I guess I sound like a wimp.

I went out and played in the mud too yesterday. I dug up the huge hosta and wiggled it and pulled a big chunk off of it. I am going to wait for the dirt around the roots to dry up a little before I separate it into several plants. My shoes were muddy, my gardening gloves were muddy, and we're supposed to have more rain. They have already said we have about double the normal rain since the first of the year. I wish we could send some of it to the dry areas of the country.