Migraines and left brain/right brain

I got up with a migraine yesterday. The good news is that they only last about 8 hours now compared to 3 days like they used to. When I have a migraine my thinking is fuzzy so I usually will try to do some dummy work just to stay busy since I can't concentrate on anything else. Remember these piles of pieces I cut from the irregular shaped scraps? I took the pile of triangles and divided them into lights and darks and pieced them together. You can see they aren't perfect triangles, just triangular shaped scraps.
After I pieced them together I cut them down into 2.5" squares.
Then I took any of them that there were 4 of and made pinwheels. As you look at this picture with them on my white flannel design wall, imagine them pieced with white fabric as the alternate square. But wait, I don't use white as fill in very often........
I remembered the Kaffe Fassett fabric pinwheel quilt* that I made a couple years ago and the fill in fabric was busy with circular designs. How about this batik print to imitate that style?
This is what the fabric looks like so you can see that with a strip cut across the fabric I got several different colors.
I wasn't sure if I was going to use it as the setting triangles so I took the ends of the strips and cut some triangles to see. Yes, yes, yes, this is ME!
And here it is all sewn together. Now I just have to decide whether I want a narrow dark border and more of the busy print as an outer border, or just bind in a dark color. It is approx. 24" x 30". You can see that I like to cut my setting triangles too big so that it floats the center design.
Now there is that left brain/right brain theory out there and since I am so math oriented I figured I didn't have my creative brain working as often because I stifled it with my logical half. Now I think I realize that the logical half is the one that goes fuzzy with the migraines and the other half just keeps on working. Could I have made this without a migraine? Yes, and it might have been more subdued.
*If you are interested you can go back to this post and see the Kaffe pinwheel quilt that I made.