Last February finish

I made this top back in 2004 or 2005. Full picture is in this post. I quilted it near the beginning of Feb. but waited until the last day of the month at 7 p.m. to sew the binding on. I got a new needle out to do the hand stitching and even though it is a batik fabric, it went pretty fast. So now I know the trick, use a new needle. Cathi are you laughing at me?

Here is another blast from the past. This one was one of the most loved quilts when I did programs for guilds. It is another of those Y seam blocks and also had rights and lefts of 2 different value ranges so you had to be on your toes when cutting for it.
A close up of those beloved 1980's calicoes. This was made while I owned a quilt shop 1982-1986 and was one of the most successful classes that I taught.
Now I will explain the design flaw from the post yesterday. If you go back to this post and focus on the light center and let your eye travel to the top, the light is escaping out where on the other 3 sides it is contained by darker blocks. I didn't want to add more blocks to the top because it is already trimmed, and the blocks are staggered (not all the same height) so it would have been a big job to pick open the top of every vertical row and resize some blocks before adding others. The easiest solution was a border that had medium and dark values so I could place the medium area over the light at the top so it wasn't too big of a jump in values but your eye would take in the whole border and not stop there. Now, is that more than you wanted to know? LOL