It was one of those days......

when I couldn't get anything done. I ran errands all morning. After lunch I did get the remaining triangles up on the design wall and took a picture so I can look at it on the computer screen and see if I want to change anything. More errands in the late afternoon. I try to do them all on one day so hopefully the next day I don't need to leave home for anything. Two of my sewing machines get updates from the computer and it was time to tackle the one I had put off. I got it loaded and was going to embroider a design and check out some of the new features when a friend called and we talked for over an hour. By that time it was too late to start a design. I think of it as a day of not getting much done, when I really accomplished a lot in all of those errands for me and my parents. I just wanted to get the borders sewn on one of the quilts and it didn't happen. Today I will stay home and work on them.