Happy 72nd Anniversary, Mother and Dad

Yes it is my parents' anniversary today. They are 90 and 95 years old and live in an independent living apartment building. My dad decided he was still a young thing last Thursday and tried to flip a mattress by himself. It didn't work and he now has a shoulder injury so we went to the chiropractor yesterday. He will be going 3 times a week for 2 weeks plus cold packs at home. In Dad's mind he should heal instantly so we'll see how it goes.

I started reading "The Shack" 2 days ago and got in a lot of reading time while I waited for my dad's treatment to take place. I can hardly put the book down. Finally last night I wanted to watch one TV show so I just made some more Cobblestones blocks for my ongoing project.
We're supposed to get heavy rain again today and then back down into the deep freeze for a couple days. Spring weather is so changeable.