Unwinding time

Yesterday ended up being very busy and tiring. When I got home from computer club I watched TV and finished these 2 quilt tops for the preemies. When I am cutting all of our scraps (that are left from cutting preemie kimonos) I cut several sizes of squares, whatever I can get out of it. Then I spend one evening piecing all of the squares that I have and if it doesn't end up close to 20" square, I add borders from the long scraps left from cutting the receiving blankets. I just put a layer of flannel on the back (no batting) and stitch with a zig zag stitch on every other seam line in both directions. Then I serge around the edge. A binding is too stiff on a quilt this small. Someone suggested to me that I use satin on the edge but these little preemies aren't holding their blankets and feeling that satin edge and that is not an easy, fast edge for my stack of little quilts.