Got my homework done

I brought home some homework for our church sewing circle. We had gotten behind sewing the preemie items with all of the bad weather this winter. We meet today so I finished up a little pile. I have 3 more little quilts made of scraps in the works, so maybe I'll get one more done before I leave at noon. My sister-in-law gives me an amaryllis every year. This one started blooming a couple days ago. It has 5 buds on this stem, you can see a second bud stem to the left of the open flower which will probably open in a couple days, and it has a third bud stem starting to grow. This one is called Charisma. It is a beauty!
I had some comments yesterday from people with a Blogger account but I couldn't reply to them because they don't have their email enabled. So.....If you have a Blogger account, if you go into EDIT PROFILE, there is a box to put a check mark in, in front of Show My Email. If you do that, then when you leave a comment I can answer your questions. It only shows the word Email on your profile page, not the actual address. I like to reply to the people who comment even though I know some bloggers never do. So.....if you leave a comment and want a comment back, enable your email link.